Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Opting Out

One lesson I've learned in life is...'s okay to opt out of toxic situations and conversations.

Opting out doesn't mean that you're weak, nor does it make you a bad person. Sometimes, the most advantageous position is, in fact, one in which you don't resist, in which you don't explain, in which you don't try to justify your position, in which you don't bother trying to help others see your point of view. Or, conversely, in which you don't try to be inclusive, to give antagonists a forum, or to apologize to diffuse a situation.

While I appreciate the mix, the diversity, the contrast... Sometimes a well placed 'opt out' is a welcomed breath of fresh air.

"Is that so..?" can go a long way.

What have you learned in life?

1 comment:

  1. amazing... don't i know this.. or am learning it now.. just now :)

    * t h a n k y o u *
