Friday, March 13, 2009


This button was worn by Southerners in the 1950's who said they would 'never' agree to integration.

On March 12th, 1956 one hundred members of congress from the south - 19 senators and 81 representatives (96 democrats and 4 republicans) - present a "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" (referred to as the Southern Manifesto) that criticized the Supreme Court in its Brown v. the Board of Education decision for desegregating schools and protested civil rights initiatives.

Why do I bring this up 53 years and 1 day later? Only to remind myself that justice and fairness and truth prevail ... even when people are wearing buttons to the contrary.

1 comment:

  1. Timely and a great reminder for me. We are currently facing a discrimination issue at work, one that feeling like it will NEVER change. This gives me hope.
