Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Imagination is more important than knowledge.
- Albert Einstein

I just read the Newsweek article, The Creativity Crisis. It's a lengthy article, but well worth the read. According to Newsweek, US creativity scores are on the decline... the decline is "most serious" with younger children in America ages Kindergarten - 6th grade.

As America races toward standardized curriculum, rote memorization, and nationalized testing...  the rest of the world is embarking on idea generation, fact finding, and project-based learning.

As a parent, how do I digest this information?

I know what gives me the greatest joy when it comes to my children's education, and that is to see them mulling over different ideas and experiences... then making them into something new, adding their own spin - their own questions and insight - and coming up with their own connections.

Let's encourage our children to be active learners. Allow them to be makers, doers, creators, explorers, and thinkers.

The world needs dreamers
and the world needs doers.
But above all,
the world needs dreamers who do.
- Sarah Ban Breathnach

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