Sunday, October 13, 2013

it's a magical world

The other day on BookRiot there was a post entitled, "Sixteen Things Calvin and Hobbes Said Better Than Anyone Else". I loved it... but it made me realize, I haven't thought about Bill Watterson in a while.

So I pulled out a copy of The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book, and fell back in love with a boy and his tiger.

And, you know how it is when you start thinking about someone... they start showing up everywhere? I had a friend send me the 1990 Kenyon College Commencement address given by Bill Watterson.


Then I remembered this:


Then I saw this:


And, today, I learned that a new documentary entitled Dear Mr. Watterson comes out this November 15th.

What haven't you thought about in a while? Maybe it's something you used to love, like Calvin and Hobbes. Start remembering... and see what happens.

Or as Calvin would say, "It’s a magical world, Hobbes, ol’ buddy…Let’s go exploring!"

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